Monday, February 14, 2011

Most Over-Rated Movies

The Overrated Movie: A movie that was hugely popular at the box office and lauded by the masses. However, when viewed with either a somewhat critical eye or some time after its release, is seen to be a fairly bad (or at least not-worthy-of-the-hype) movie.

So here's my list of overrated movies:

So much hype to this movie. I heard things like, "Amazing. Stunning. Awesome. Best movie ever." I will admit that it was visually stunning. But visuals do not a good movie make! Yes, it was pretty to look at. But the movie was long and dull. I found myself looking at my imaginary watch wondering when it was going to end. I also felt like Cameron used this as a vehicle to make a sweeping political statement. It was annoying and possibly detracted from what could have been a more interesting story.

I remember when they were filming this. Everybody was excited about Brad Pitt and his body. I can't remember if this was also during his split from Jennifer Aniston. Either way, there seemed to be a new picture every week of Pitt in his costume, muscles glistening, hair blowing in the wind, cell phone permanently attached to his head. I remember thinking it could go really well or be really bad. Unfortunately it was the latter. The theatre was packed opening day and the group I was with had to split up just to get seats. I remember the entire theatre bursting out into laughter at the most inappropriate moments, that's how bad it was. I will say this though: Brad Pitt did quite a good job. Let it not be said that that man can't act. Even in a bad movie he did a good job. So, there's that at least.

Does anyone else remember the hype around this one? It was touted as one of the funniest movies of the year etc. etc. Yeah, it wasn't. It was dark, depressing, and just plain ole sad! I didn't like any of the characters. The worst part is I would classify this as mostly a character study. I don't think you can have a good character study movie if none of the characters are likable. So it was a fail for me.

Did anyone get this movie? The majority of it was confusing and felt like a giant waste of time. The only interesting part was the computer and Dave. But that was such a small portion of the movie. Of course it did give us some classic lines to quote, parody, and there are many, many homages to it.

This one was so hipster it hurt. Especially the soundtrack. That is all.

This one was supposed to be an epic, a coup d' grace for Sofia Coppola. It was kind of a long, dull fail. The costumes were.... superb. Just astounding. For that reason, and that reason alone, do I own this movie. Other than that, it was just one long piece of self congratulation. It was like Ms. Coppola was so impressed with herself that she was just continually patting herself on the back. The story... well, there really wasn't a clear story. Yes, it was about the French queen Marie Antoinette, but there was no real plot. The movie meandered from one event in the queens life to the next. That's fine for a biography sitting on the shelf of a book store, but not for a movie. There has to be a plot. This had none. Hence the majority of the fail. The rest of it came from the actors. Kirsten Dunst is cute and was amazing as a child in Interview With The Vampire, but she can't act for peanuts. The other actors really seemed to stuggle with either bad dialoge or bad direction. Of course a lack of plot probably hindered them just as much as the director.

Well, those are the most overrated movies off the top of my head. I didn't include the Twilight Saga because, well, that's just painfully obvious. What are your most overrated movies?

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