Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Chicago Code

I know the blog is titled "Movie Marathon" but I have to admit that I love TV shows just as much as movies.

So, there's a new show out called The Chicago Code. Only one episode has aired so far; you can catch that on  So far, I love it. I've watched the Pilot twice now, that's how much I like it. I have a feeling that it's going to be a well written, smart show. The characters are well developed, there's an over-arching goal that can carry the show for a few seasons with a specific goal that may or may not get resolved within the first season. So far so good, it's set up to last (which shows that the writers and producers are being smart about it. There are other shows that are not as smart and I'll talk about that in a moment).
   I like all the characters involved.  The Superintendent, played by Jennifer Beals, is tough but human. You see her frustrated, tough, alone at times, grief stricken, and clearly driven. She's a three dimensional character. Same with the Detective whose name I can't spell. Male lead played by Jason Clarke, the dude in the foreground in the middle of the tracks in the image above. I love his character. He's not the best guy in the world, but he's a good cop and a good detective. He's an ass sometimes, but you kind of love him, not in spite of it, but because of it. How awesome is that!? Anyway, love the characters.

I mentioned earlier that this show was set up to carry several seasons. And that's smart of the producers and writers. There's another show that I love that is not being smart and IT'S KILLING ME!!!!!!

Glee is one of the most successful shows of all time. It's not just a ratings juggernaut, it's a HUGE money maker. I mean MASSIVE money maker. Apparently this has terrified the creators. I bet they're thinking, "If we change anything it won't be a success." WRONG!!!!! You absolutely MUST introduce new characters. I mean, seriously, it's a high school club. New members will join every year in order to perpetuate the club. The first episode of the second season was headed in the right direction, and I was so relieved because I thought, "Yay! They're bringing in new talent, younger students, new storylines. The club (and therefore the show) will be perpetuated." But no. If you watch the show you know only two new students joined and they are not underclassmen. The current "class" is fantastic. But what happens when they graduate? Are you going to follow them out of high school? I wouldn't watch that. Less realistic chances of them breaking out into song and if there's one thing I hate it's totally random break-out-into-song-time.

A show like this has a built in expiration date. They can get 4 years out of it max. If they begin freshman year. This one didn't, so it's got 3 years (two of which are almost entirely gone). I want the series to continue because the music is great and the stories are wonderful. Will I be sad to see this "class" go? Yes, but it is necessary for the survival of the show. You follow them after graduation, you're doomed. Just look at shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gossip Girl. They just don't work as well outside of their original domain.

And for Buffy fans, you can't say the show didn't suffer after high school. I love that show, it's my favorite of all time, but outside of high school, it didn't really work. Only in the final season when Sunnydale High reopened did things feel like they were going back to normal.

Well, that's all I have to say on this post. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for a Buffy marathon. Season 1 and Angel *shuddershuddershudder* here I come!

And just for the heck of it:

"Angel" as drawn by Spike, Season 7.

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