Friday, January 4, 2013

Upcoming Releases! January 2013

Texas Chainsaw 3D
Directed by: Jon Luessenhop
Starring: Alexandra Daddario, Tania Raymonde, Scott Eastwood
Description: A young woman inherits an estate in Texas. She and some friends go to check it out. Hijinks and chainsaws ensue. Mostly chainsaws.
My Prediction: Your typical slasher flick. Hotties running around, barely clothed, screaming, crying and dying. Probably a good addition to the Halloween-scary-movie-marathon. 2.5/5

Gangster Squad
Directed by: Ruben Fleischer
Starring:Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Sean Penn
Description: The LAPD work to keep the mafia out of LA using officers outside the law. 
My Prediction: I'm not sure about this one. I kind of liked the trailer, but I wasn't in love with it. There were awesome explosions and a vintage car chase, gun battles, Ryan Gosling shirtless. It could be a pretty awesome movie. I just worry that they made a modern movie and put it in period costume, which is one of my pet peeves. If your going to make a period piece, then you have to do the period full justice. For this movies sake, I hope they did just that. 3/5

Broken City
Directed by: Allen Hughes
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine Zeta-Jones
Description: An ex-cop turned PI is hired to follow the mayors wife. He comes across a bigger scandal and conspiracy.
My Prediction: I couldn't get a whole lot in terms of spoilers from the trailer so I'm actually quite curious about this one. It looks gritty, action packed, dramatic and a bit thriller-esque. Russell Crowe seems to be coming back to the land of the living and this will probably be a good addition to his resume. If this is your typical gritty dramatic thriller, I'd say we're looking at a solid 3.5/5

The Last Stand
Directed by: Jee-woon Kim
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Johnny Knoxville
Description: A defeated LA cop settles in a small town. As an escaped baddy and his minions head for them the retired cop and the Feds gear up for the last stand.
My Prediction: Laughable. 2.5/5

Directed by: Andres Muschietti
Starring: Jessica Chastain
Description: Two young girls are found in the woods five years after their abrupt disappearance. As their aunt tries to reintroduce them to normal life she wonders, not only how they survived, but also if they brought something evil into the house.
My Prediction: A seriously good contender for Horror Movie Marathon nights. And possibly my nightmares. 4/5

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
Directed by: Tommy Wirkola
Starring: Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton
Description: Fifteen years after their own witch-incident, brother and sister team Hansel & Gretel are professional witch hunters.
My Prediction: Hilarious, whether it's intentional or not, just for the sheer absurdity of it. 2/5

Directed by: Taylor Hackford
Starring: Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez
Description: A thief with an honor code is double crossed and left for dead. He works with an insider to get revenge (and his loot).
My Prediction: Typical. But hey, Jason Statham. If he gets shirtless, I'm so there. 3/5

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